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What unsafe materials or designs should be avoided when choosing plush toys for infants and young children?

author:Dongguan Xinyi Toys Co., Ltd edit:小编 time:2023-11-29

Plush toys for infants and young children are an indispensable companion during their growth process. However, some unsafe materials or designs may pose a potential threat to their health. Therefore, parents need to carefully identify and avoid these unsafe factors when choosing plush toys for infants and young children.

Firstly, when choosing plush toys for infants and young children, parents should choose toys produced by legitimate manufacturers, which usually follow strict quality and safety standards. In addition, parents also need to pay attention to whether the material of toys contains harmful substances. For example, plush toys made of synthetic fibers are prone to generating static electricity, adsorbing dust and bacteria, and are harmful to children's respiratory health. In addition, synthetic fiber materials may also cause skin allergies in children. Plastic plush toys may contain harmful chemicals such as phthalates, which can cause damage to children's reproductive and immune systems. However, plush toys made of flammable materials can easily cause fires and pose a threat to children's safety. Therefore, when parents choose plush toys, they should choose toys filled with safe materials such as PP cotton or pearl cotton.

In addition, parents should also avoid unsafe designs when selecting plush toys for infants and young children. Some plush toys may have small parts or sharp objects, such as eyes, nose, buttons, etc., which are easily swallowed or injured by children. Or some plush toys may have excessively long ropes or zippers, which can easily strangle children's necks or fingers, causing danger. Alternatively, some plush toys may have complex mechanisms, such as buttons, switches, etc., which can be easily manipulated or dismantled by children, causing danger. Therefore, parents should choose toys with reasonable design and stable structure when choosing plush toys for infants and young children.