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Poor quality plush toys seriously endanger children's physical and mental health

author:Dongguan Xinyi Toys Co., Ltd edit:小编 time:2023-11-29

With the development of the times, children's childhood life is becoming more and more colorful, and children's toys are also becoming more and more diverse, but not all toys are safe.

Some children's toys in the market have safety hazards, which is a concern. Reporters visited some children's toy sales points in shopping malls and wholesale markets and found that various styles of children's toys not only contain a large amount of bacteria and viruses, but also many of their quality is very poor. If children frequently come into contact with them, it can cause certain harm to their health.

Toys are very close companions for children, however, some low-quality children's toys in various markets can threaten their physical and mental health. Parents need to pay attention to the safety issues of children's toys.

For example, plush toys that babies love to play with may appear very beautiful on the surface, but some low-quality plush toys contain black cotton and discarded materials, which are very unhygienic.

Some toy parts are not sturdy and easily fall off, which can easily be swallowed by children; In addition, some children's toys have excessive levels of harmful substances such as lead, mercury, benzene, and formaldehyde, which seriously endanger children's physical and mental health……

So parents should keep their eyes open and pay extra attention when choosing children's toys.

There is also a situation where in some toy wholesale markets, some unlicensed toy manufacturers produce without conscience. Many toys do not have safety labels or manufacturer addresses at all. Due to their lower prices, many parents choose to purchase these types of toys.

This type of children's toy has not undergone strict safety testing and belongs to toys that do not meet safety standards. It must not be given to children to play with.

Parents should carefully check the safety warnings on the toy manual when purchasing children's toys, check if there are any easily falling off or sharp parts, and also make sure to see if there are non flammable labels when choosing plastic toys.

Don't be too unconventional when choosing children's toys.

It is undeniable that some children's toys are truly eye opening, with a variety of strange things, such as a skull or a small snake or insect, and even some are mixed with pornographic elements.

However, it is not recommended for parents to buy such children's toys. These toys can have adverse effects on children and may pose certain risks to their physical and mental development, distorting their values.