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How to wash pet plush toys cleaner?

author:Dongguan Xinyi Toys Co., Ltd edit:小编 time:2023-11-27

 The first impression of pet plush toys is rubbing against their faces. It's furry and very comfortable. Both children and adults enjoy playing, especially when children like to sleep in their arms. But the only thing that troubles moms about pet plush toys is how to clean them? Now, I will introduce some tips to everyone, hoping to be helpful to all mothers.

First: Dry cleaning
First of all, the large salt used is coarse salt. Put the coarse salt and dirty pet plush toys into a large plastic bag and shake vigorously. You must tie the plastic bag tightly and then shake it again. This is using salt and sodium chloride to adsorb dirt, or using baking soda instead of coarse salt. The method is the same, but it is more suitable for larger pet plush toys.

Secondly, rinse directly with water.
Choose suitable warm water (30-40 degrees) for cleaning, as warm water does not easily damage the softness of pet plush toys; Dark and light colored pet plush toys should be cleaned separately, as mixing them together can easily lead to color mixing. Also, it's best to choose a neutral detergent. Soaking pet plush toys in detergent for a while before cleaning will help wash them better. During the process of cleaning pet plush toys, pay attention to the appropriate amount of force. If you apply too much force, it will only damage your toys instead of cleaning them. In addition, you can also choose soft washing tools.

Third: Machine wash
When washing with a washing machine, be careful not to damage pet plush toys. Soak the washing machine in neutral detergent before throwing it away, or simply add mild laundry detergent and set the washing mode to soft cold water. In addition, for small pet plush toys, you can first use tape to stick to areas that are prone to wear and tear, and then put them into the washing machine. After the cyclic washing mode, you can see that the water discharged from the washing machine is clean water, which means that the toy has been thoroughly cleaned and then dumped.

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